Frank + Myrrh

Frank + Myrrh
Hand-dipped and sun-dried.
The scent of Frankincense, with its piney and lemony notes entwined with a delectably sweet, woody aroma, fills the air with an enchanting presence. Its olfactory dance effortlessly captivates the senses, invoking a sense of calm and tranquility. On the other hand, the scent of Myrrh possesses a slightly earthy essence, reminiscent to some of the intriguing allure of black licorice. Both these ancient resins have endured through time, their fragrances evoking a sense of mystique and connection to the past.
20 sticks per pack.
Our 11’’ long sticks are hand dipped twice for intense aroma.
Our premium essential oils are of the highest quality and are responsibly sourced.
Our crafting process creates sticks that have a longer burn time.
Our sticks are custom crafted in small batches to ensure quality control and freshness.